If you’re planning to start a food business in India, one of the most important things you’ll need to do is get registered with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). FSSAI registration is mandatory for all food business operators (FBOs) in India, regardless of their size or scale of operations. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the FSSAI registration process and what you need to know to get started.

FSSAI Registration Process

Step 1: Determine your FSSAI registration type

There are three different types of FSSAI registrations that you can apply for based on the size and nature of your food business:

  • Basic FSSAI registration: For FBOs with an annual turnover of up to Rs. 12 lakh.
  • State FSSAI registration: For FBOs with an annual turnover between Rs. 12 lakh and Rs. 20 crore.
  • Central FSSAI registration: For FBOs with an annual turnover exceeding Rs. 20 crore.

You’ll need to determine which type of registration is appropriate for your business before you start the registration process.

Step 2: Gather your documents

Once you’ve determined your registration type, you’ll need to gather the necessary documents for your application. The documents required for FSSAI registration include:

  • Form A: This is the basic registration form that needs to be filled out by all FBOs.
  • Form B: This is the state or central registration form that needs to be filled out depending on your registration type.
  • Proof of identity: You’ll need to provide a government-issued identity card such as a PAN card, passport, or driver’s license.
  • Proof of address: You’ll need to provide a document that shows your business address such as a rent agreement, utility bill, or property tax receipt.
  • Food safety management plan: You’ll need to provide a plan that outlines how you’ll manage food safety in your business.
  • Declaration form: You’ll need to provide a signed declaration stating that the information provided in your application is true and accurate.

Step 3: Submit your application

Once you have all the necessary documents, you can submit your application for FSSAI registration. You can do this online by visiting the FSSAI website and filling out the appropriate forms. You’ll also need to pay the registration fee, which varies depending on your registration type.

Step 4: Wait for verification

After you’ve submitted your application, FSSAI will verify your documents and inspect your business premises to ensure compliance with food safety regulations. If everything checks out, you’ll be issued an FSSAI registration certificate.

In conclusion, FSSAI registration is a crucial step for any food business in India. By following the above steps and ensuring compliance with food safety regulations, you’ll be able to get registered and start your business with confidence.

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